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Writer: MrShawnBizMrShawnBiz

You have 3 types of training, self-development, organizational and institutional training. Your high school, college, etc...are examples of institutional training. If you are employed, your employer has organizational training usually when you start and during your employment with the organization. Guess which one is most important? All three have a level of importance but self-development is the most important type of training for yourself. We should self develop all the time. If you want to learn a new language, do it! If you want to learn how to paint, do it! If you want to learn about Real Estate, do it! The key is to know yourself, know who you are, and understand your gift to the world. Once you identify your gift or something you are passionate about, your self-development needs will become clear.

Society has the concept backward in my opinion or should I say on purpose!! Most people are told to go to school, get an education then get a job. This game plan will only fill you with a lot of information not in alignment with your gift and lead you to the trap of debt, stress, complacency, and contentment. Fulfillment can be different for everyone, but being fulfilled will only come from knowing and living out your gift. Your God giving gift which will only be known searching and becoming closer to God. Your Gift is also known as your work. Your work is different than your job. Your job is something you were trained to do and your work is something you were born to do! You must know the difference!! Development of yourself should never stop!! Take the time today to think about and identify your gift! Proverbs 18:16 A man's gift makes room for him.

Have a great day,

Mr. Shawn


Aug 10, 2020

Great comment!!! I agree with you that each type of development has a significant part to play. I look at it from what is most important. I think you answered it on your response. Institutional and organizational knowledge are important but they align with roles. Life is so much greater! Self development will help your life. To identify who you are that only comes from self development. If you no longer have your role then institutions and organizations become secondary needs. Your life is forever! Great discussion!


Shawn Carrington
Shawn Carrington
Aug 10, 2020

Awesome read! I appreciate you laying out the different trainings and how all three of these play a role in the development of a person. I am curious about your perspective on why self-development is the most important. The reason why I ask this is because success (generally speaking) requires all three to be of importance and lacking in any training can or will result in negative experiences or circumstances. In other words, all three have a third of the circle from my perspective. Let me explain further.

Without institutional knowledge, the likelihood of danger increases as institutional knowledge also includes understanding laws, understanding social climates (like interacting with law enforcement) and understanding how you can grow within a system…

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